Creativity Pen | An international journal of English literature | January 2024

The Great Expectations May Boomerang In Woes

Winkey Sharma

One great lesson that I learnt from my life is that there is no place for your emotions. So never advertise your feelings, just show your attitude; because this is your attitude, not your sentimental aptitude that decides the happiness quotient of your life.

No one can hurt you without your permission. Our happiness depends upon our thoughts and actions. Every positive thought is a silent prayer which changes our life, so one must always remain positive because the burst out anger, greed and hate are the enemies which shatter our peace of mind.

We are always hurt by what others have said or done to us. Try to forgive and forget. It is not easy but with practice and our positive attitude we can inculcate this in our persona and make it our personality trait which is called our disposition. Forgiving someone is divine and divinity is seldom available in today’s world. It is the most beautiful and highest form of love, you may call it worship. In return, one gets unexplained peace and happiness .

Positive thinking is not about expecting the best to happen, but it is always accepting that ‘whatever’ is happening at this moment is the best. Not everything will go as we expect in our life. So to be happy, calm and positive in our lives, we must learn to drop our two-edged sword of expectations which may cause sharp cuts to the self and others. Accept everything, good or bad as the gift of that super power which encompasses and overwhelms everything including nothing on earth. If one is positive and hopeful every sound becomes music, every vibration is song, every craving is progress and every step is life forward. Every movement of the body turns into dance. Small smiles become laughter and the mind enjoys the deep and ecstatic meditation of even the routine chores. With such attitude and behavior our life becomes a long lasting celebration against the fretting and fuming world of stress, comparison and competition.

Our mind is like a computer which believes everything we feed in it consciously or unconsciously. Therefore always feed talks with deep faith, possible truths, gratitude and great love as these thoughts will be encrypted and reciprocated. People around you and your surroundings will breathe peace, calmness and joy emanating persistently from your body, soul and mindfulness. If we only correct ourselves and stop curing others, their behavior, their conduct and abandon, ease of peace will creep into our being.. It is said that glass half filled with water or sand or anything is not half empty. The other half is filled with air, so the glass is full, the void in the sky seems to be emptiness but it is overwhelming, and canopies the earth and its multitudes. Space is vacuum but it is necessary for every being to grow in its own creativity, craving and aspirations. Everything on earth needs space to breathe. Love yourself first- this should be everyone’s utmost duty and then everything falls in line.

If you want to achieve the heights of satisfaction, happiness and success in your life, you should first learn to respect and love yourself. A strong and positive attitude creates more miracles than anything else because life is very transient to perform the role assigned to you. Many years are wasted to learn the wisdom of this world, right from infancy to adolescence and afterwards the experience with hit and trial makes one semi- perfect to be tested on the touchstone of the diplomatic and crafty world. Your intentions may be of utmost importance and magnificence but when these are put to test in the face of inferior and insignificant menial human caprice, the minority behavior seems to be madcap amidst the majoritarian juggernaut upholding banner of make- money afloat at all costs.

When our actions are based on our good intentions then our soul has no regrets, as we are true to ourselves. There is no prick within, there is no one asking and damning your behavior. There is nobody inside you to question your righteousness. Be true to your conscience, it is considered to be the ultimate goal among all religious teachings. Mathematically speaking the multiplier will be applicable and the sum total shall be total revolution in human behavior in your surroundings if not in the whole world. The clusters of such human behavior may replace the clusters of cut throat competition and cluster bombs to bump the enemies of the human race.

Everybody has his/her own share of problems. But everyone deals with them differently as per the wisdom, prudence or reflex actions. The contemplative reaction is rare and it is an impulsive reaction which is common. Often the solution lies in the problem itself. All one needs is the right attitude to see things, to dive deep to the roots of the problem, to gauge one’s own indulgence- whether the indulgence was misadventure, profitable venture at the cost of others, reckless adventure advantageous to the self and detrimental and disadvantageous to others.

Dealing with criticism is a part of everyone’s life and no one is an exception. Construction of castles with hurled stones of criticism makes one grand monarch of the fortress, the body is perceived as a fort and nobody can cross its line of control without your permission. Your soul is the guard and the security depends upon your attitude towards the trespassers. Wake up every morning with a thankful attitude towards that super power- almighty! God has given us immense fortune and this must pass on to our family, friends, society and nation and to humanity… we could see happiness, peace, brotherhood and contentment all around.

Maturity comes with experience either by methodology of hit and trial or by listening to the experienced old guards or reading the memoirs of the great men of yesteryears or may be the contemporary analysts of modern life. Let the light come from all sides and sources. There must not be any prohibition or road block in the journey towards goodness and godliness. The impediments are said to be the testing points arranged by the divine to test the stamina of a resolute mind.

Positive thinking and right attitude fall victim to only the trap laid by our great expectations – may be your children, siblings, friends or acquaintances. Non- fulfilment of expectations boomerangs and sets in the motion the vicious disc of hatred, vengeance and reciprocal reprisal and the world has to suffer in woes of human behavior. You don’t need ahermitage, sanyas, big deras, temples and other places of worship to vomit out your misdeeds, sins and confessions. The spatial canopy, void in the sky, is listening to you, in fact, void within you is hearing you and registering your confessions to be remedied and making you ready for the next fruitful adventure not for yourself but for others for which you have been incarnated in the present outfit of the human body.


Winkey Sharma is the executive editor of an English quarterly literary journal, CONTEMPORARY VIBES. She is an avid reader. Her book...Samved- ek manan, chintan, sahityam, vishleshnopanish has earned her great fame. She writes about social issues and current topics viz water problem, environment, girl child health and her education etc.

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