Creativity Pen | An international journal of English literature | January 2024

Prof. Dr. V. Alexander Raju

Waiting for Migratory Birds

We lived this glorious life on earth

As per what our Odd Fate pre-planned

And we really happy as we lived long

A life quite worthy of what we deserved.

No regrets at all, our children,

Except against my destiny,

For we’re happy with our life

And everything that framed it well.

Perhaps, you thought of this world a nation,

And all humans asthe world citizens;

You felt strangers in your own birth place,

And you hated all those man-made barriers.

You prayed for their return without knowing

The migratory birds would never return,

You thought, and waited patiently for them,

But they forgot their route and tradition.

The Wicked Force

There’s a wicked force, we thought,

In nature’s secret foundry

That makes birds migratory

To find their future resort.

The parents struggled a lot

To build the best of all nests,

Saw great dreams about their eggs,

Against nature even they fought.

They taught their birdlings fly,

Up above their normal dreams,

To touch the source of sun-beams,

Higher than what they could fly.

Then the young ones took their turn,

Leaving parents in old nest,

Flew away for far off lands,

For new nests of no return.

At first, they came every year,

Then once in two or three years,

Then once in a decade, to end,

As if they forgot their route.

The poor parents now regret

Their foolishness in giving

Higher thoughts and higher dreams

That left the aged ones forlorn.

It’s our mistake, we taught them to migrate,

To seek new pastures and fresh water sheds,

They obeyed us and left our nest forever,

And to home never again did they return.

The Ghostland

Reports say: A million houses

Are empty in Kerala, for sale;

For the inmates had left abroad

And settled in some foreign lands.

Youngsters left seeking better jobs,

And their parents as caretakers

Of grandchildren, and their houses

Remained haunted homes in ghost-land.

The scum of an old generation,

Lived in some houses, like skeletons,

At times, a lazy dog howled aloud,

Until they’re transferred to old-age-homes.

Banks kept myriads of inactive accounts,

With huge unclaimed amounts in deposits,

For holders died, leaving no true record

That the cunning rich took huge sum as loans.

The business magnets ignored to pay back,

The banks wrote off the loan amounts,

Why should the loanees and banks care,

If blood relatives ignore their parents?

Undeserved Rulers

Can those who gather round to stone,

When the innocent poor mortals

Commit crimes in their ignorance,

Have any true prick of conscience?

While meditating escapists

Laugh at human misery,

No hermit turns to console

This hunter roaming in the jungle.

Our ancient laws never allowed

Hermits, eunuchs, dwarfs or the disabled

To rule the country, except as advisers

To the King, Emperor pr Prime Minister.

Now the disqualified ruled directly

And the country and subjects face misery;

No truth, no knowledge but mortality,

We face starvation, disease and no peace.


Prof. Dr. V. Alexander Raju, an Indian English poet, novelist and short story writer has many books to his credit. Ripples and Pebbles (1989), Sprouts of Indignation (2003) Magic Chasm (2007) and Hopes and Fears (2020) are collections of his poems. His first novel The Haunted Man, based on the infamous Emergency period in India,came out in 1996; its second edition in 2009.His second novel Upon This Bank and Shoal (2008) is a philosophical novel, published by CCB Publishing, British Columbia, Canada. Poles Apart on the Same Bed (2011)is a collection of his twenty-nine short stories. And Still Plays the Abyssinian Damsel on Her Dulcimer is based on Ethiopian history and legends, When Babel Tower is Falling Down and Where is a domestic novel and They Shattered His Green Dreams, a novel based NATO’s war against Libya the assassination of Gaddafi,are his latest novels. The Voice of Ethiopia (2008) is an edited work and The Psycho-Social Interface in British Fiction (2000) is a critical work. After his retirement from Baselius College, Kottayam, he joined Tripoli University in Libya. Currently he is Professor of Literature in University of Gondar, Ethiopia.

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